Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of companies/people do we support?

McPina Tech Services serves small to medium-sized businesses, as well as individual clients.

A good candidate is a company/person that can relate to the following situations:

  • I am getting poor results from my current IT provider

  • My IT guy does not respond as fast as I’d like

  • My staff and I are often interrupted by computer issues

  • I don’t have time to keep up with the software updates

  • Computer need repairs

I already have an IT guy, can you still help me? 

Yes! We can work together to give you the added support you need.

Do you service Macs/Apple products?

Yes, we do service Macs, iPads and iPhones, as well as Apple routers, switches and other devices . We have over 30 years experience in repairs of most Apple products.

Do you service Personal Computers?

Yes, we service PCs and have over 30 years experience in the repair industry

Can someone come to our office/home when we are having a problem? 

Yes - We have no issue coming to your home or place of work, however we do require a minimum 2 hour rate. We can solve most the issues from our office using remote technology, if you prefer.

(Due to the COVID situation, this is currently a case by case)

Do you sell computers and/or equipment (parts, mobile devices, etc)?

We are in the process of selling new and used computers, and other IT equipment on a case by case basis. We pride ourselves in quality.

What if I have an older computer? Can you fix it?

Likely yes, and the free assessment will confirm before any work is done. We have worked on older machines, performing needed maintenance and upgrades to improve performance and extend the life of the device.

Can you login to my computer remotely?

Yes! using Zoom and your permission, I can access your machine (provided it’s working and has internet access) in the comfort of your home.

What will you not do?

Illegal software, unlock machines from schools without written consent. Also while we recover files, we do not view them to protect privacy. Upon request we can save them to our cloud and have an encrypted link sent to you and you only and you can download at your leisure anything that has been forgotten for a period of 30 days.